Natural wool dyeing 3. Avocado Iron modified

As soon as I got enough avocado peels and pits I decided to check if iron modification is up my alley. Just in time recently I visited my family in the village and could take plenty of rusty nails. A week ago I put them in a jar with water and added some white vinegar. The next day it was pretty orange by colour which meant that it was quite irony, I suppose.

This time I took only avocado peels, because I read in many blogs and books that the colours obtained from avocado peels tend to be more pink, whereas the pits tend to dye with more coral undertone. I took the peels of 5 avocados. 

Below you will see the results of dying. By the way, I think the hank in the middle was dyed again to make its colour brighter. It is dangerous not to write my post immediately after dyeing, because the process takes several days and if I wait for another day or two I forget what I did. Anyway, I hope these pictures will be hopeful and useful to someone desiring dyeing yarn by their own. Good luck friends! And happy knitting or crocheting! 

Unmodified avocado, twist modified, completely modified

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